
Day 25

 "It is when the death of winter has done its work that the sun 
can draw out in each plant its own individuality, and make its existence full and fragrant. 
Spiritual growth means something more than the sweeping away 
of the old leaves of sin--it means the life of the Lord Jesus developed in us."
Elizabeth Elliot


  1. You are an amazing photographer!!!!

  2. Nice! Are you using filters? Your pics have a layer of softness to them. :-)

  3. @Aunt Becky
    You flatter me too much! ;) I swear it's Sherlock who does most of the work! Thank you. :)

    @Mrs. Kunzen
    Yes! I do use a variety of effects/filters to get across the mood/tone of a picture that I desire OR to allow a photo to have the fullest affect that it can. :)

  4. I LOVE THIS BLOG!!!(: I'm now following it!! Would you follow me back??

  5. Elisha,
    Thanks so much! I'm so glad you were able to stop by and view my blog. :) Glad you enjoy it!
    Thanks for following as well! I was trying to see if you had a blog or a link and didn't see one. :( Link?


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